Small Wander

The Miniature Mountain Way

Auspicious weapons are the tools of misfortune.

Things may not all despise such tools,

but a master of the Way stays clear of them.

Laozi (trans. David Hinton)

As a rule, militaristic and jingoistic displays are not exactly my cup of tea. So you might expect me to adhere closely to the sage wisdom of Laozi and keep well away from our local airshow – a procession of airborne military hardware past and present. Nevertheless I do have a soft spot for the ‘Red Arrows’ display team who grace the skies above our town each year with an exquisite display of speed, skill and courage. Perhaps it’s the ‘beating of swords into ploughshares’ that appeals here – technology developed for death and destruction is harnessed briefly in the service of playfulness, wonder and the delight of the assembled crowds, watching open-mouthed in the late summer sunshine.